Me In Media

After a Public Town Hall dialogue, weekends of workshops, trips to the Museum of Vancouver and the Woodward's building. After many late nights or reviewing and revising, what seemed like endless streaks of writer's block and coffee shop meet-ups with the editor; my "Me In Media" article has officially been published in Schema Magazine!

Photo is courtesy of Lara Hill, United Nations Association of Canada

It was an amazing experience for me, and a true look at what it's like to be a journalist. Stressful at times, frustrating, makes you want to just give up... but that only makes seeing the published product all the more rewarding.


  1. LOL! I'm pretty sure that photo is from W2. I'm definitely on their Board of Directors right now haha, small world!
    Congrats on the article! I was having some interesting conversations about the First Nations thing at Occupy Vancouver this week. Good to see people writing about different perspectives.


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